Mother’s Day Crafts/Ways to spend the day!

Honestly, there is nothing better than gifts that my kids have made…or attempted to make with the help of their Dad haha! but seriously, homemade crafts are the way to my heart! and if you are anything like me- any of these craft options will be right up your alley! again- easy link to send to your significant other for a little hint hint πŸ˜‰

25 EASY Mother's Day DIY Crafts for Kids
Cute Mothers day crafts for kids - heart finger print canvas
little thumbprints make a heart! would be so cute on mama’s desk!
Flower thumbprint planter homemade mothers day gift idea
for a Mom/Grandma who likes gardening!
Here's 20 easy mother's day DIY crafts for kids that's simple and perfect for warming mom's heart on mother's day!
could use old scrabble tiles for a custom picture frame!
Here's 20 easy mothers day DIY craft ideas for kids that's simple and perfect for warming mom's heart on mother's day!
mother's day kids crafts
snack basket with all of her favorite things! could even throw in a gift card in here too!
mother's day kids crafts
love this idea!! Now’s your chance to take the kids to Target or the Dollar Store and go nuts. Pick a theme (like spa day or baking) and choose little items to fit into the glass container. It’ll look pretty and the container is a part of the gift, too!
mother's day kids crafts
instructions found HERE
mother's day kids crafts
great idea for an older kiddo to make something special!
Here's 20 easy mothers day DIY craft ideas for kids that's simple and perfect for warming mom's heart on mother's day!
candle holder! instructions HERE
instructions found HERE– the dollar store has SO many plate/cup options for this! bake to seal it!
Paper Flower Mothers day Card

THIS website has SO many great ideas!!

I especially love THIS printable !!

Now, let’s talk about some ways to spend the day with Mom/Grandma!!

1.) take Mom on a “vacation” – mom’s favorite food Mexican? create a fiesta indoors or out! Mom always wanted to go to Paris? create a cute little French bistro- Get some croissants for breakfast, pack a picnic lunch of French bread, cheese, and fruit, or order a meal from your favorite deli or restaurant. Or if Mom just wants to pretend she is on a tropical vacay- serve her a drink with a cute umbrella, decorate with flowers, and turn the backyard into a little oasis!

2.) If the weather isn’t cooperating- create an indoor movie day(letting mom pick the movie, no matter how cheesy/romantic it is!) pop some popcorn, turn off the lights, and enjoy some family time!

3.) Send Mom away for a bit- whether it’s to get her nails done, get a massage, or just go somewhere to read a book/shop at Target πŸ˜‰ send mom off with a plan to not come home until a few hours!

4.) Schedule some family pictures!! Moms are always alwaysssss the one taking the pics- and it’s very hard for us to get in those pics, take the initiative and schedule some family pics to be taken OR take some pics of Mom with her kiddos yourself!

5.) For older Mom/Daughter combos- take a flower arranging class together, or a cooking class, or even one of those painting and wine classes! something just for the two of you!

6.) a classic- breakfast in bed! or brunch in bed β€” after she sleeps in, then enjoy pancakes/waffles and snuggles! Don’t forget the coffee and/or mimosas!

7.) Plan a picnic in the park or by the water! pack all of the essentials and take mom for an outdoor picnic!

*whatever you choose to do, whether it’s all out or simple- reminding Mom just how much you love her and appreciate her will do just fine! πŸ™‚

make sure that she feels like the….

Best Mom Ever Digital Art by Lanie Loreth

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