Yummy recipe for summer! Huli Huli Chicken!

I’m here today to share a recipe I found a few months ago, adapted a bit, and has been in our dinner rotation ever since! it is SO good!! and SO EASY!

The marinade is 7 ingredients(most you probably already have on hand) and marinating it overnight really makes all the difference!

The original recipe I found is HERE

Diced grilled chicken ready to eat.
photo credit- https://therecipecritic.com/

HELPFUL TIPS- I would 100% recommend using chicken thighs over chicken breasts. The dark meat on the thighs holds in the flavor more and is known to be a more moist dark meat. Before cooking with chicken thighs though, I do trim a lot of the fat off of it- and would recommend doing the same!

make sure to keep 1 cup of the marinade for basting on the grill- brings out the flavor even more!

rest the chicken! as with anything you grill meat-wise, it is imperative to rest the chicken a few minutes to lock in the flavor before digging in!

easy to serve by itself, over rice, or with summer sides!


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